How Will The Stock Market React To A Waning Economy

David and I delve into an interesting discussion about the interconnectedness of the stock market and the economy. We also touch on how to be both bullish and bearish at the same time.

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Key questions and topics David asked me include:

  1. 0:53 – What are the signs you see of a financial crisis brewing?
  2. 5:20 – What does a lack of savings mean for people’s financial stability?
  3. 7:40 – At what point will the downturn in the economy start affecting the stock market?
  4. 8:18 – GameStop’s parabolic move – can a single stock move the market?
  5. How brittle/fragile is the stock market and economy?
  6. 12:40 – How could a banking crisis happen?
  7. 14:22 – What does the Bitcoin chart look like for where it may go next?
  8. 19:15 – Will Bitcoin disconnect from the Nasdaq?
  9. 21:27 – What are your thoughts about the S&P 500?
  10. What indicators should we look for for a market turn?
  11. What is your philosophy overall on timing tops and bottoms?
  12. 28:03 – What is Asset Revesting, and how does this style of investing help to protect your wealth?
  13. Are you in the markets right now?
  14. 33:04 – Looking at the chart for crude, what do you see?
  15. 34:50 – Is the huge rally in utilities a result of people moving into a defensive sector?
  16. What is the danger of owning dividend stocks?

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Disclaimer: None of this material is meant to be construed as investment advice. It is for education and entertainment purposes only. The video is accurate as of the interview date but may not be accurate in the future.