Despite Warning Signals of a Market Crash, This Sector Is About to Explode

Is the calmness of the last few months going to continue for much longer? Or is there some wild volatility on the horizon?

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Key questions and topics David asked me include:

  1. After the recent pullback, is momentum going to the upside or downside?
  2. What are the early warning indicators that the market may be changing direction?
  3. Looking at the VIX, when it is trending down to a multi-month low, what does that mean to you?
  4. Meme stocks have come back to life recently; looking at the AMC chart, do you see a buying opportunity?
  5. What is your overall target for and thoughts around the S&P500?
  6. Are you seeing the same possibility for growth stocks?
  7. Why are the tech stocks not doing as well as in previous years?
  8. What makes you unique as a trader/investor?
  9. In your strategy, what indicators do you look at that tell you to get out of a trade?
  10. What does it mean to be a true technical analyst and trader?
  11. Are precious metals a good play right now?
  12. Gold vs the S&P500 – when they both move up at the same time, what does that indicate?
  13. Are the miners disconnected from the market, and do they have some upward momentum left?
  14. What is one more asset that you are interested in right now?

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Disclaimer: None of this material is meant to be construed as investment advice. It is for education and entertainment purposes only. The video is accurate as of the interview date but may not be accurate in the future.