What To Do When You Can Feel The Fear In The Market

“Our pocket of investors and traders are not fearful of the market right now. We are excited for a market reset and ready for the next master trend signal to get back into some positions. ”
Chris Vermeulen

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Key questions and topics David asked me include:

  1. Momentum has scooped the market. Where is it going from here?
  2. Is this the end of the complacency phase?
  3. If something corrects by over 5% in less than a month, is that considered an aggressive pullback?
  4. What indicators do you look at to gauge whether the market will bounce up or if it is entering a longer-term decline?
  5. How do you tell if most of the volume is buying or selling?
  6. Do you ever look at put/call ratios?
  7. Looking at the Weekly Commitment Of Traders Report, do you trade the counter-trend?
  8. How do you ‘feel’ about the markets right now?
  9. “When there is fear, there is likely going to be a bounce” – can you walk us through that seemingly contrarian idea?
  10. What does the chart for Gold say about where it may go next? Is a pause in gold a good thing?
  11. Is there a reason that GDX has started an upward momentum trend?
  12. How do you feel about silver?
  13. Is the gold/silver ratio a useful tool for investing?
  14. The DXY vs Gold usually move in opposite directions. What do you make of their moving together at the moment?
  15. Where do you think oil is going next?
  16. What is your favourite commodity right now?

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Disclaimer: None of this material is meant to be construed as investment advice. It is for education and entertainment purposes only. The video is accurate as of the interview date but may not be accurate in the future.