How Much Upward Momentum Is Left In The Stock Market and Economy?

I had the opportunity to be a guest on the CapitalCosm podcast recently. Danny and I ran through the indicators that are flashing warnings that the stock market and economy are nearing the precipice of a strong downward turn.

“If you know what stock market stage we are in,
you will know what strategy to use.”

Chris Vermeulen

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What Danny and I talked about is:

  • How I went from a high school investing project to where I am today.
  • What my high-level view of the market is right now.
  • Of the eleven key sectors in the market, which are outperforming the S&P500?
  • Any insights on timing for a trader?
  • What should be on the radar screen for investors and traders?
  • Do I short-sell at all? If not, what do you do instead when the stock market enters a stage 4 decline?
  • How deep do I see the impending correction going?
  • What do I see for precious metals and commodities?
  • What ratios do I look at for money flow?
  • What I use as criteria for entering and exiting trades.
  • A question from Danny’s previous guest – “What asset would you buy today that you plan to hold for 100 years?”
  • What question do I want to ask Danny’s next guest – “Is Telsa a buy at this stage for insane growth?”
  • What I want to leave the audience with.

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Chris Vermeulen
Chief Market Analyst

Disclaimer: None of this material is meant to be construed as investment advice. It is for education and entertainment purposes only. The video is accurate as of the interview date but may not be accurate in the future.